Civic amenities

Civic amenities

There are many benefits of living in the prestigious district Břevnov. One of them is a complete civic amenities.



Billa - Bělohorská street (13 minute’s walk)

Kaufland - Vypich (7 minute’s drive, 21 minutes by public transport)



Czech food: Restaurace Valcha - Bělohorská street

Italian food: Pizzerie Piccolo Mondo - Bělohorská street

Czech food: Restaurant U Bílého Lva - Bělohorská street

Czech food: Restaurace na Marjánce - Bělohorská street

International kitchen: Koppernik - hotel Pyramida

Local specialties: Klášterní šenk - Břevnovský klášter

Peklo - Hradčany 


Bank branches

Bělohorská street - Raiffeisenbank, Česká spořitelna, ČSOB, GE, Komerční banka



Ústřední vojenská nemocnice Praha (5 minute’s drive, 22 minutes by public transport)

Fakultní nemocnice Motol (7 minute’s drive, 24 minutes by public transport)

Nemocnice Milosrdných Sester sv. Karla Boromejského V Praze (10 minute’s drive, 14 minutes by public transport)


Medical centers:

Poliklinika Pod Marjánkou (9 minutes by public transport, 14 minute’s walk)



Benu Lékárna Pod Marjánkou (10 minutes by public transport, 13 minute’s walk)

Lékárna U Kaštanu (6 minutes by public transport, 16 minute’s walk)


Schools and preschools:

Grammar school: Gymnázium Jana Keplera (6 minutes by public transport, 10 minute’s walk)

Grammar school: Gymnázium Nad Alejí (6 minute’s drive, 23 minutes by public transport)

Primary school: ZŠ Marjánka (5 minute’s walk)

Primary school: ZŠ Pod Marjánkou  (6 minute’s walk)

Primary school and preschool: ZŠ a MŠ J. A. Komenského (14 minutes by public transport, 15 minute’s walk)

Preschool: MŠ Jílkova (4 minute’s walk)

Preschool: MŠ Bělohorská (5 minute’s drive, 23 minutes by public transport)

Preschool: MŠ Bubeníčkova (6 minute’s drive, 24 minutes by public transport)

Preschool: MŠ Meziškolská (3 minute’s drive, 18 minute’s walk)


Cultural amenities:

Kulturní centrum Kaštan (8 minutes by public transport, 18 minute’s walk)

Kulturní sál Marjánka (5 minute’s walk)


Sport facilities:

Athletics: Velký strahovský stadion (7 minutes by public transport, 14 minute’s walk)

Beach Praha Arena  (6 minute’s walk)

Squashcentrum Strahov  (8 minutes by public transport, 14 minute’s walk)

Areál volného času Ladronka - in-line skating, beach volleyball (13 minute’s walk)

TJ Břevnov Tenis (9 minute’s walk)

Swimming: Plavecký bazén Pyramida  (2 minute’s walk)

Outdoor swimming: Koupaliště Petynka  (10 minutes by public transport, 13 minute’s walk)


Parks in the area:

Park Ladronka (13 minute’s walk)

Obora Hvězda  (6 minute’s drive, 29 minutes by public transport)

Zahrada Břevnovského kláštera  (5 minute’s drive, 20 minutes by public transport)


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